Asunto: Jardín cosmopolita participa en el Placemaking week Europe 2019
During this last open air session, that will be held in Spanish, Chema Segovia with the help of local placemakers and speakers will delve into the impact and success stories of the placemaking movement in Spain.
Chema Segovia will be moderating a panel in which Irene Reig Alberola (Carpe Studio), Manuel Polanco (Basurama) and Sergio Rodríguez Estévez (Luces de Barrio) will explore the theme of placemaking in Spain and share their personal experience as practitioners.
Finally, the session will be concluded by the intervention of Paco González, Professor of Urbanism at the UOC.
Día: 14 de mayo de 2019
Hora: 20:00-22:00 horas
Lugar: Valencia, La marina